Communication is Essential to Navigate Business Disruption
As things change daily, all of us at PMA are here and ready to support your efforts to best overcome the business challenges we face. “Social distancing” is a common phrase and reaching customers where they are, keeping them informed is now more important than ever.
Utilizing direct mail, we can help get the word out about your updated hours, shifted business practices and any safety procedures you have implemented. It’s a great way to reinforce brand awareness and online / phone ordering where you may not have needed that in the past. Use smaller, more frequent mailing of brochures and catalogs to keep the conversation fresh. Staying in tune with your teams through learning plans and other tangible materials will help keep them engaged.
We are thankful to our community for their partnerships yesterday, today and into the future. As before, we are ready to reciprocate our expertise and service as much as possible. We are following all CDC updates to ensure we stay current on the COVID - 19 outbreak and following best practices and guidelines in the facility and our homes in order for our staff and their families to stay healthy and safe.
Don’t hesitate to reach out, check in, say hi and just chat about creative ways we can help your business organization thrive during these uncertain times using Print and Mail. Our goal is to be your partner in Awesome. Stay well!