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Direct Mail - A Note To Our Customers

At PMA we are committed to maintaining a safe work environment, continue to produce print and mail and support our client's efforts today and into the future. We will continue to post updates and ideas to keep our community informed. Any questions or concerns don't hesitate to contact us.

The United States Postal Service released the following information on the Novel Coronavirus as it relates to mail and packages.

The Postal Service is continuing to monitor the circumstances around the novel coronavirus, also known as “COVID-19.”  We are sharing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) guidance regarding the COVID-19 epidemic to our employees via stand-up talks, employee news articles, messages on bulletin boards, and internal messaging inside USPS workplaces.

Currently, we are not experiencing operational impacts as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic and we are using this time to review/revise our contingency plans should they be needed.  Customers can view our most recent media statement and find a link to the CDC guidance at

Regarding the importation of packages, the CDC states there is likely very low risk that the COVID-19 can be spread from products or packaging shipped from China, because of poor survivability of coronaviruses on surfaces.  Also, according to the CDC, there currently is no evidence to support transmission of coronavirus associated with imported goods; and there have been no reported cases of COVID-19 in the United States associated with imported goods.

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